Sunday, April 22, 2012

18-21 Months!

Ah the time periods between posts are getting longer as life gets more hectic, but here is the latest update!

18 months:
19 months:

20 months:

21 months:

Stats from the 18 month check up:
Weight 25.75 lbs (62%)
Height 32.2 in (69%)
Head 45%

- We moved from downtown San Diego to Coronado Island on Halloween and Kiera is loving the new house (yes, the first house we have both lived in in years!), play room, and beautiful yard.  She LOVES to go for walks in the neighborhood and walk or ride her tricycle (with some pushing help) down the street to visit the turtles in the pond and color with chalk outside.

- Kiera loves to say "let's talk" and pull up a chair.  When I ask her what she wants to talk about it's usually "the ocean."

- She loves to go to the beach and play in the sand, chase the birds and walk out into the water.

- She loves counting (and counts to 13) and singing!  Still loving Baba black sheet, the ABCs, but now also loves Happy birthday, Twinkle twinkle little star, Jingle Bells, and Are you sleeping.

- She frequently gets out her laptop and says "I'm working"... just like mom!

- She is so friendly to others!  She loves to say "nice to meet you!" and shake their hands.

- The girl LOVES to go to Toddler Time at the Coronado Library.  She will say "go to toddler time, sing songs, read books, play with kids, ring bell, go to big park, go to little park."

- She likes to call us "Joely" and "Krista" and sometimes says "nooooo dad" when he tries to kiss her.  : )

- She knows all of her body parts and likes to say "ding dong" when pushing on her belly button.

- Her favorite foods are turkey hot dogs, french fries, and all fruit.

- She LOVES dancing!  She frequently asks to have a dance party and even likes to listen to Common thanks to Daddy.

- Her favorite color is PURPLE!

- She operates the iPhone and ipad like a champ!  She can unlock it, get to the You Tube app, go to her Favorites, and scroll through to find a video to watch.  She likes to watch Sesame Street, Barney, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and other songs (especially Wheels on the Bus).  We limit the usage since we don't really let her watch TV yet, but she definitely loves it.

- She loves puppies and often says "go to Starbucks, get latte, pet puppies" since there are always dogs at the Starbucks in Coronado.  She also likes to put on her backpack and say she's "going to high school."  Kiera and Grammie walk by the high school often and Joel took her to a soccer game there... she must be looking forward to attending!

- One of her favorite things to do is play with play dough and she always asks us to make a bunny, puppy and kitty.  She still loves to read books, color, and now loves playing with her new kitchen set/food and pushing her babies around in the stroller.

- We got her a potty around 18 months and she first pooped on the potty at 18.5 months...yay Kiera!  She loves sitting on the potty and by 21 months has been usually pooping on the potty daily and peeing about once per day.

- Kiera and Hop are BFFs!  She loves that bunny! When we go in to get her up after her nap, she often says "good nap, Hoppy good nap too."

- She told us "Need to go to Dr, ears hurt."  We took her and she had (her first) double ear infection!  I think she is picking up germs at toddler time (she has an off and on runny nose now which she never did since she was always at home).

- She is sleeping from ~8:30-7:30 and taking one nap about 12:30-2:30.

- Kiera had to say goodbye to her favorite nanny Erin (and her husband Dan who Kiera also loves) as she prepares to deliver her twin boys.  Kiera absolutely adores Erin and we are so blessed to have had her take care of Kiera all this time! 

She is the best and she makes us so happy!  : )

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