14 months:
15 months:
16 months:
17 months:
Kiera has become such a sweet, funny, smart, loving, and amazing young lady! Joel and I turn to each other every single day and just say, I love her, she is the best! Here's what she's been up to the last few months:
- I can't locate the stats from 15 month check up, but I'll try to add them later!
- At her check up she had two shots and didn't even cry. She really is a tough girl, if she falls or bumps her head she just says "boom" or "bump" and goes on about her business.
- She is still taking two naps a day around 10 and 3 for 1.5 hrs each (although occasionally as short as 50 min) and sleeps from 8:00-7:30. When she goes to bed she usually talks in her bed for quite some time before she goes to sleep and it is hilarious to listen to the things she talks about. She remembers who put her down for a nap and usually asks for that person when she gets up (Mama, Dada, Erin or Gramma).
- She talks SO much! She says anything we ask her to and repeats everything we say. Some of our favorites are "oh my" and "holy cow"! She uses words to tell us everything she wants and uses her manners almost always saying please and thank you and starting to use you're welcome. If you ask her if she wants something and she does she usually responds with "OK!" and lately has definitely realized the power of the word no. If you ask her if she wants something she doesn't (ex: to go take a nap, to give daddy one to many kisses) she will gladly respond with "No!" It's really nice that she is starting to be able to tell us what she wants whether it's milk or cheese, or to color or read a book!
- She is still loving Sesame Street and Elmo, Abbie, Big Bird, Cooke and Ernie. She really only watches it once or twice a week, but she loves these guys and often tries to turn it on herself with the remote and then asks for help please.
- She LOVES her little bunny/blanket she sleeps with and calls him "Hop" which is almost always whispered for some reason. In the morning, once you come into her room to get her up, she stands up (if she isn't already) and throws the bunny over the edge onto the floor, while she throws her arms up in the air and exclaims "Hop?!?!" The cutest thing ever! We keep Hop and blankie the crib and they are only for sleeping, but she frequently asks if she can just give them a hug and then says bye-bye and puts them back.
- She already outgrew her first real big girl shoes so we got her a pair of pink crocs and a pair of grey toms. So cute!
- She announces "toot toot" when she passes gas and usually tells us when she is pooping (although it is very obvious even if she didn't). However after she poops she will often reply that no, she didn't poop and hide. It seems so early, but we're thinking of getting her a potty seat and letting her sit on the potty since she clearly knows when she is going/needs to go and seems very interested in saying bye-bye to pee and poop in the potty.
- She loves swimming and asks to go to the pool. The June gloom is finally over and we've been to the pool a few times and Kiera is loving it, blowing bubbles and practicing a little swimming stroke. She just doesn't love it when the water is cold, although who does.
- She does emotions faces and they are the cutest. She does happy, sad and surprised, and an occasional mad and excited.
- She knows all of her body parts and loves to identify them and sing head, shoulders, knees and toes. She loves singing! Her favorites are definitely the ABCs, BaBa Black Sheep, Elmo's Song (lalalala), and Counting Counting. The best is when we are in the car and she will ask one of us to sing one of these songs, then she loves to swap who sings mid song requesting different singers frequently! She also sings Amy Winehouse Rehab, her line is "no, no, no."
- She outgrew her infant carseat and we got a convertible carseat. Too bad we can't easily move it from car to car but it seems much more comfortable for her.
- The Seattle DeGards came to visit and Kiera had a blast with them! We went to a Dodgers game in LA, a Padres game, went to the rodeo, and Kiera especially enjoyed teaching Matthew and Mitchell the Counting Song. : )
- The Seattle DeGards came to visit and Kiera had a blast with them! We went to a Dodgers game in LA, a Padres game, went to the rodeo, and Kiera especially enjoyed teaching Matthew and Mitchell the Counting Song. : )
- She still loves books and often sits down and flips through them all by herself. She also loves to color, brush her teeth and Facetime with Grandpa Bob, Grandma Jean and Mitts and frequently asks for them when she sees the computer. She finally gives lots of hugs and kisses!
- She was finally sick. It wasn't anything major, but she had semi-diarrhea for 12 days and had a high fever for a couple of days. She was such a trooper though!
- She counts to three and is learning some of her colors, however she loves the number 2 and the colors blue and pink so usually when asked how many of something she has the answer is always 2, or if asked what color, it's usually blue or pink.
- She counts to three and is learning some of her colors, however she loves the number 2 and the colors blue and pink so usually when asked how many of something she has the answer is always 2, or if asked what color, it's usually blue or pink.
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