Sorry for the delay on the weekly post! AND, sorry for the bare belly pic for those of you who do not enjoy seeing it. It was requested and I gave in as the weekly pics of me standing in the living room or entryway are getting a little old. : ) The week was fairly uneventful although we did start our childbirth classes at the hospital last week. There are 6 classes that include labor/delivery, anesthesia/C-section, birth films/tour, the newborn, postpartum/cord blood retrieval, and baby care basics/infant CPR. We were afraid they would get a little long as they are 7-9:30 on Wednesday nights but the first class was actually great. The night started off rough as we were running late as usual, got a $40 parking ticket picking up food from a deli at the Horton Plaza on the way, and then Joel had a piece of misplaced tuna in the new car (yuck) as a result of eating while driving! It got better from there though... Despite reading all the books it was sill incredibly informative and we learned a lot about labor (dilation, effacement, stages, length, tools used, lots of charts/graphics, etc, etc, etc!). We have our next class tomorrow night and are looking forward to it!
The baby seems to be doing very well, she is still moving all over the place and kicking around in there. Sometimes I wish there were at home ultrasounds so you could see what she is doing in there and tell what body part is sticking out! She seems to be awake more frequently or for longer periods now than she used to. She also gets the hiccups almost every day, but I have read that hiccups for babies in the womb aren't uncomfortable like they are for adults.
In other news, we got the stroller ordered last night (the Baby Jogger City Select as discussed in the week 29 post)... it was hard to find it in stock anywhere as I guess it has been pretty popular since it came out this year. The only concern is that the carseat adapters are back ordered for now, and will hopefully ship in April. Without that, we technically can't use the stroller yet b/c it's not really recommended for babies under 6 months without the carseat attachment so their head is fully supported. And sorry to those of you who were hoping to get your hands on my old green Saturn, but we sold it yesterday! : ) We just didn't think it would be the best car for transporting the little one (very small, hard to get the carseat/stroller in, etc), so it was time. We had posted it in Craigslist a couple of weeks, only receiving one response from someone who wanted to trade it for tattoo services. No thanks! So we gave in and paid to post it on Auto Trader and sold it the next day. Here's the weekly update from Baby Center...
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.
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