Monday, September 13, 2010

4 Months!

Wow, another month gone by so fast!   Kiera is 4 months old already!  She is SO much fun and I am loving every day I get to spend at home with her (and getting incredibly sad thinking of going back to work soon).  We had our 4 month check up and here are the stats...

15lb 4 oz... yes that is the 75th percentile folks
23.5 inches... 25th percentile

She is Joel's daughter afterall!  haha : )

Here is what she's up to at 4 months:

- She is wearing 3-6 month clothing, but there isn't a whole lot of room left in there and I suspect she will be onto the 6-12 month (yikes!) clothing fairly soon!

- She is wearing size 2 diapers.

- She has TWO TEETH... yes, already!  A few nights ago she was fussy and just wanting to be held and not acting like her self (along with the excessive drooling and hands constantly in the mouth, but that part was nothing new).  I finally felt along her bottom gums to see if something was going on in there and  found two teeth had already poked through and the doctor confirmed!  What a big girl!

- She LOVES to stand up and therefore loves hanging out in her exersaucer.  She is quite good at it and can do full circles to get at the toys she wants.

- She is still not sleeping through the night... she has gotten close many times but between two colds, two out of town vacations, and teething she keeps getting set back.  The longest stretch she has given us (other than the one night she did randomly sleep through) is about 7.5 hrs.  She is generally just eating once in the night, and sometimes waking more than that, but the doctor tells us this is normal for breastfed babies and not to force it until she is 6 months old, unless she is doing it on her own by then.

- She is quite a talker... she has definitely found her voice and loves to babble and make noises with her spit bubbles.

- She is sleeping about 11-12 hours at night and taking good naps (up to 2.5 hours if I let her) during the day.  She still likes to sleep with her arms stretched out above her head, and when she wakes in the night lifts both legs into the air and simultaneously drops them back onto the mattress.  : )

- She is still such a smiley, happy girl!  Still very easy going and flexible, she allows us to get out and do lots of things.

- She has rolled over from her tummy to her back three times.  She still doesn't do it frequently and usually just gets mad when she's ready to be off her tummy, but has made the move herself a few times.


  1. Four months is such a great age! I recently got the mini sleep sheep for Jude and we're loving it! Where is her little mobile from? It's so cute. So glad adorable little Kiera is doing so well!

  2. Hi Jess... the mobile is from Pottery Barn Kids. We couldn't resist since it went so well with all her other lambie bedding. But it is one of those that you actually wind up to play music (Mary had a little lamb or course) so we don't really use the music much but she likes to look at it when she wakes up. :)
