Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3 Months!

Holy cow!  Where does the time go??  I cannot believe Kiera is 3 months old already!  I plan to take her monthly pictures in the rocking chair so we can see how she grows.  She is growing so fast and changing so much we can hardly believe it!  There is no 3 month pediatrician appointment so we don't have her length and weight stats, but I can tell you she is packing on the pounds since her last appointment at 2 months!  I have a feeling she has surpassed the 50th percentile.  : )

So little Kiera, here is what you are up to at 3 months...

- You are now wearing 3-6 month clothes with a few 0-3 month sleepers still fitting, but the 3-6 month onesies don't seem all that large so I'm not sure they'll last until 6 months!  You wearing size 2 diapers which are still on the large side.

- You love to sleep with your arms stretched out above your head or out to your sides.  I think you are telling us you is happy to not be swaddled for sleeping anymore!

- You like to sit up with assistance, look around, and practice standing with help.

- You talk up a storm and even surprise yourself with your coos, noises and squeals.

- You are a drooler!  Don't know if this has anything to do with an early start to teething but I am constantly wiping your drool from your chin.

- You love to watch your hands.  You could just stare at them, open/close them, and put them in your mouth for hours.

- You are a HAPPY girl!  We feel so blessed to have such a happy, easy going baby.  At this point we can still take you anywhere and you will smile at strangers and nap in the stroller, car, etc.

- You still sleep a LOT!  You generally cannot go more than two hours without taking a nap so you is still sleeping between all feedings which are about every three hours throughout the day.  You can go from wide awake to sleeping in a matter of minutes.

- You are sometimes sleeping through the night.  Prior to our vacation you would either sleep through the night with an assist from the pacifier here and there or get up for one feeding during the night, but while on vacation you decided to wake up every couple hours all night long.  : )  We are hoping the sleeping through the night independently begins soon... mommy is tired.  : )  You will fall asleep on your own if placed in your crib calm, tired and with a pacifier.

- You like to grab onto your toys and try to put them in your mouth if they're close enough.

- Your hair is getting lighter and you still have quite a bit of it although you have lost some on the back of your head because you like to turn your head from side to side (and kick your legs up and down) when falling asleep in your crib.

- You still like bathtime as long as we don't try to bathe you too late (past your bedtime), although sometimes the hair washing makes you mad.


  1. Hi Krista! Your daughter is so adorable--I've forgotten how fast they really do turn into babies (vs. newborns) by three months! And Kiera is such a beautiful name.

    I wanted to say thank you, too, for all of the great travel advice you left in your comment! They are so helpful and it was so nice of you to share. I'm thinking I will try the Ergo on the plane to simplify things. I'll be sure to report back :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. OMG, she is SO freakin' cute. Love her! Wish I could meet her in person!!!
