Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 35

We had our 34 week appointment last Wednesday and all is well... the baby's heartbeat was good and she is still in a head down position.  However, the measurement from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus is generally in line with the number of weeks you are and I was measuring 37 cm at 34 weeks!  Yikes!  I am really hoping that this does not mean the baby is huge as that really makes me scared of labor!  The doctor didn't seem concerned at all, they already ruled out gestational diabetes previously with a blood test, so most likely she is either just large, she will come early, or there could be a lot of amniotic fluid in there that's causing the larger measurement.  The doctor said we could do an ultrasound to check her growth if we wanted so we said we'd love to!  Not only would we love to see her again, but I do think it will make me feel better to know how big she really is and if there is any reason for concern.  I guess my biggest concern with her being large is that I would go through all the pain of laboring for hours, only to have her delivered by C-section if she doesn't fit through the birth canal.  If that were the case it would be nice to just know that going into it!  So we have an ultrasound scheduled for this Friday 4/9 and then my 36 week appointment is Tuesday 4/13 where we will discuss the findings with the doctor.  She will also perform my first internal exam at the appointment to see if I have started to dilate.  So the next week should be an exciting one! 

We had a great Easter weekend.  We played twilight golf on Friday, which I later decided might not be the best idea anymore as my back was killing me the rest of the night.  We had Joel's parents over for hamballs on Easter and the dinner was delicious.  Although we were interrupted from our cooking by a rather large (7.2!) earthquake!  The shaking started and we realized it was an earthquake and usually that's about it, but this time the shaking continued for 30 seconds or so and continued to get stronger.  This was the first earthquake where I was actually scared!  The shutters were shaking loudly and a picture frame fell upstairs in the loft and we decided to go outside (since we're on the top floor there's not really anything above us out there).  The shaking stopped and all was well, but it added some excitement to our Easter!  There were several aftershocks yesterday afternoon and a few that woke me up last night while we were sleeping, but nothing as long or strong as the original. 

We got the glider chair assembled last night and we have been enjoying rocking in it, even without the baby!  I can't wait for my shower on Saturday... it will be great to see everyone!  Tomorrow is my LAST day of work!  How crazy is that?!?  I am definitely looking forward to it and cannot believe it is finally here.  It is just a reminder that the baby will literally be here before we know it! 

Week 35 Update from
Your baby is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues her steady weight gain to 5.5 pounds. While she won't get much longer, she will continue to pack on the pounds — including large amounts of baby fat — right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There's a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal. And now that she's head-down in preparation for delivery, chances are your bladder is feeling the squeeze.

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