Sunday, March 20, 2011

10 Months!

We finally got a new camera, therefore there will be a lot of photos in these posts!!  YAY!  It was a long time coming, but the desire for better photos of Kiera growing up, the ability to snap a picture when I actually want to rather than waiting 12 seconds (important with a little one!), and the hope to someday learn to take great photos finally pushed us over the edge.  After much deliberation we finally decided on the Canon 60D and so far we love it!  I sadly haven't had the time to learn a whole lot anything about it yet, but apparently even a dummy can use it on the auto setting and take much better pictures than the point and shoot.  : )

Kiera is all over the place!  Between her speedy crawling these days and her short stints of walking, she is definitely keeping us on our toes.  Here is what she's up to at 10 months:

- For the first time she protested her monthly photos in the chair!  She is on the go and doesn't really want to sit still for anything, including photos.  She has learned how to get out of your arms by straightening up her body and sliding down... makes things a little challenging!

- She is officially walking!  She is definitely at the age where she is injury prone but is pretty good at walking around and just falling on her butt or catching herself with her hands when she loses her balance.  When she takes a lot of steps, she often turns around once she has reached her destination and looks back at you with this big smile and just waits for you to praise her for her walking skills.  : )

- We had to install a gate at the bottom of the stairs (only our bedroom is upstairs now so she doesn't really go up there) as she can now climb the stairs.  I went up behind her to see and she made it all the way to the top.

- She says lots of words, or tries!  Lots of babbling and she definitely says momma, dada, more (this was probably the first word other than mama and dada... fitting for her!) when she wants more to eat, bye bye, baaaaa (bath) , nanana (mimicking me when I say no no no), yah yah yah (ok that may not really be a word, but she likes to say it), nanna (banana), nigh nigh (night night).
- She is loving her sippy cup with the straw and can pick it up and drink it by herself.  We only put water in it for now but will probably have her drink milk out of it soon since the plan is for her to drink her milk our of it at a year.

- She still loves reading books!  We got a new bookshelf to house her growing book collection which we love.  The drawer base is just the right height so she can stand at it and pull the books out.
- She is completely obsessed with waving.  She waves when we come into her room, waves at herself in the mirror, waves at dogs we see on the street, waves at anyone who will look, waves at the moon and birds, waves when she hears the front door open, and of course when saying bye bye!

- She loves eating anything with her fingers (actually hands now as she likes to shove fistfuls of food in her mouth).  She will still eat some baby food and rice cereal and oatmeal, but definitely prefers the finger food and has eaten everything she has tried so far.  She has tried too many things to list: peas, broccoli, carrots, chicken, ham, turkey, fish, wheat bread, cheerios, cheese, noodles, rice, bananas, pears, apples, avocado, beans, and even a sweet potato french fry the other night.  : )  Her 8 teeth are coming in very handy for all this eating!
- She is wearing a combination of 6-12 and 12-18 month clothes. Still wearing size 3 diapers.

- We went to the zoo and saw the pandas.  She is at the age where she can actually see the animals you point out to her so we hope to go more frequently.
- She is on the same sleeping schedule 8-7 or 7:30am with two 1.5 hr naps around 9:30 and 2:00 and the same eating schedule with milk at 7, 11, 3, and 7 (ish) with solids at 11 and 7 and an occasional snack in between.
- She loves opening the drawers in the bathroom and pulling things out.  We need to make another trip to babies r us for some drawer locks!  In the mornings she loves sitting on the bathroom floor with me in front of the mirror and playing with my makeup, combs, and brushes while I get ready.  Such a girl already!  : )

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