Sunday, June 26, 2011
13 Months!
Here it is, another belated monthly post! Hopefully some of you are still following, and if not, well at least Kiera can have this for her baby book! : )
Kiera is developing quite the little personality these days. It is very clear when she likes something, dislikes it, is excited, frustrated, tired, etc! Here is what she is up to at 13 months:
- Wearing mostly 12-18 month and some 18-24 month clothing. Still wearing a size 3 diaper but recently started soaking through her diapers overnight sometimes so we will either try size 4 or get some overnight diapers.
- She is loving peekaboo these days. Either hiding behind her hands or her shirt and saying 'boo'.
- She has all 4 new molars (2 top and 2 bottom) and 2 of her canines (the top 2)!
- She has real shoes now. Since she has been walking for quite awhile, we finally got her a couple of real pairs of shoes (rather than the soft soled ones) so she can walk around outside, etc. She is loving them!
- She also got her first golf set and is enjoying learning how to hit the ball.
- We officially stopped breastfeeding completely around 12 1/2 months! Kiera switched to the whole milk pretty seamlessly. The worst one for her to give up was the morning feeding, where she shed a few tears (and I almost did, knowing I could technically provide the milk to her), but we are very excited to be on cow's milk now! She is also 100% drinking out of cups, but she has been doing that for awhile.
- She continues to be somewhat picky with her food now. She will try most anything but clearly eats what she likes and isn't afraid to just not eat much of anything if she doesn't care for it. Favorites right now are mac&cheese, bread, cheese, ham, fruit, cooked carrots and peas, and puffs.
- We had a minor bump in the road with Kiera's lovely sleeping patterns. For some reason Kiera was not ok with just being put in her crib awake for a about a week. We weren't used to this, so at first we were going to her right away, but learned that just made her cry harder when we would leave so we had one real cry it out night. My limit was 30 minutes and she fell asleep in 29. It was SO hard! Thankfully after that things seemed to get better/back to normal. She's still sleeping ~8pm-7:30am with two 1.5 hour naps around 10 and 3.
- Kiera loves music and dancing! One of her favorite moves is snapping while she dances, but since she can't really snap she makes the motion with her hands and the noise with her mouth. So cute. : ) She went to see Tim McGraw this month! We couldn't make it to the show since it was so late so we just went to the backstage performance before the show (a perk of Joel's job!). She loves him already!
- When she sees something she really likes she exclaims "oooohhhhhh!"...... one of our favorite things!
- She still LOVES reading books. She's loving Mr Brown can Moo right now. She will bring it to you and say boom boom boom, one of the sounds Mr Brown makes in the book.
- She started shaking her head yes which is great! If we ask her if she is hungry/wants to eat/wants milk/wants to call grandma and grandpa/wants to take a bath/wants up, etc she shakes her head yes when we get it right which is very helpful.
- She is saying SO many words! If you ask her to say any word, she will generally at least give it a shot.
- She is loving babies and really loving Elmo these days. She calls any person who is not an adult a baby even if they are 12. And the Elmo obsession is out of control! She carries around hand me down DVDs constantly (that she hasn't even watched yet). Honestly I don't even know how she knew who Elmo was other than being on her diapers. She has watched Sesame Street about 3 times ever, but she is completely obsessed so we took her to see Sesame Street Live recently and she loved it! We got her an Elmo doll (or two) so she can carry them around now instead of DVD cases.
- She helps get herself dressed now and if you say it's time to get dressed she knows just where to go (to her dresser).
- She knows we always call Joel on my phone so whenever he's not home and she sees it she picks it up and says 'dada'. She does the same with our nanny's phone, says 'Dan' (her husband's name) and our Macbook where she says "Bob" or "Mitts" since we always Facetime my parents on it. Smart little lady!
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