Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

We enjoyed a wonderful first father's day yesterday!  Mostly just relaxing around home with Kiera, and watching the US Open of course since it was daddy's day!  Kiera loved spending the day with her daddy and she even got to hang out with Grandpa Peter for dinner.  It was a beautiful night and we walked over to The Neighborhood for some burgers, sweet potato fries, and beer (of course!). 

We have been lucky enough to have two talented friends that are getting into photography who volunteered to take some pictures of Kiera for us!  Nichole took some pictures when Kiera was just two weeks old... it was a bit of a challenge getting her to do what we wanted but we definitely came out with a few winners!  (the first three shots below)  Nikki came by this last weekend and we love the one of Kiera and Joel she sent us (above), just in time for father's day.  : )  Here is a link to her website where she posted some additional shots:  THANK YOU Nichole and Nikki!! 

And finally, a shot of Kiera posing with the card she gave Joel for father's day.  (Sorry, I don't know why this is posting vertically because it is a horizontal picture!) 

We look forward to celebrating many more father's days to come, and we definitely enjoyed the first one! :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello World!

Just wanted to post a quick video of Kiera hanging out! (You can ignore my silly baby talk voice!) She got the hiccups at the end. I'll catch one with her smiling one of these days to share. Hard to believe the little peanut is 5 weeks old tomorrow. : )

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Very Average!

Kiera had her one month dr visit on Wednesday and she is as average as they get (in terms of measurements, she is above average in looks and brains of course!)!  The dr plotted her birth and one month measurements on the growth chart (  and all of her measurements were exactly on the average/50th percentile line!  The dr said she hadn't seen that in a long time.  She was 8 lb 14 oz and 21 inches so she is packing on the pounds and growing like a weed!  : )

Kiera also started smiling this week!  I wasn't sure before whether she was really smiling at me or just making gas faces but on Tuesday I decided she is officially smiling and she has done it daily since!  I tried to get a picture of it and none of them really do it justice, but I included two of my attempts above. 

Joel and I did decide to go to the Tim McGraw/Lady Antebellum concert last Friday so Kiera had her first babysitters (thanks grandma and grandpa Kelly!).  She did great, the concert was a lot of fun, and it was nice to get out of the house for an evening (although I had to pump in the parking lot before the concert!).  We look forward to more outings to come!

She also started wearing pants and shirts this week. Maybe not a real milestone, but cute nonetheless. Before when we tried to put them on her she was just swimming in them so she has primarily worn footed sleepers or one piece outfits so far. She has also outgrown a lot of her newborn clothes. We are excited to finally get some use out of the adorable outfits we have for her!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Life with Kiera...

We are loving every minute!  Overall she is a very happy baby, although we have determined that she went through her 3 week growth spurt this week and had a day when she was just not herself and was fussy all day.  It definitely made me wonder how parents of a colicky baby survive!  She also has a tough time settling down to go to sleep at night but we are working on it! 

A few of her favorite things:
1) falling asleep on my chest after a good meal
2) rocking in her lambie swing
3) bath time, except for the hair washing part
4) sucking on her pacifier
5) stretching out her limbs during the day (since she is swaddled at night)
6) going for walks in the stroller
7) being burped by daddy

We tried out the bottle last Saturday (with pumped breast milk) and a couple times since then and it was a success!  She took it perfectly and is going back and forth from breast to bottle like a champ.  Now daddy can feed her occasionally and we can leave her with Joel's parents when we're ready!  Speaking of leaving her... the Lady Antebellum/Tim McGraw concert is tomorrow night and I am still trying to decide if I'm ready to leave her for a few hours.  As long as she stays in good spirits between now and then I think I am going to try to catch part of the show and I know the Kelly's would love nothing more than to come over and hang out with her while we're gone.  : ) 

I can't believe she will be a month old already next week! We have her one month check up on Wednesday and are looking forward to seeing how much she has grown. She is finally starting to be able to wear some of her 0-3 months clothes, although only a couple sleepers at this point, everything else is still way too big. We are out of newborn diapers and moving onto size 1... what a milestone! : ) We go through SO many diapers! I swear half the time I change her she either poops or pees mid-change or instantly after the new diaper is on. She has been quite a trooper and allowed us to enjoy trips to the Fish Market and the Hotel del Coronado last weekend.